SWIP Ireland is an organisation of women in philosophy on the island of Ireland, including students and professionals, working within or outside academic departments.
9th SWIP Ireland Annual Conference
World Building in Times of Violence
Maynooth University, 6-7 December 2024
Conference Programme now live
Book of Abstracts
April 2024
SWIP Ireland Statement on Gaza
13 and 14 September 2024
CONFERENCE at University College Cork
On ‘Philosophy and Thinking Differently’
We would like to thank all who attended, delivered papers and engaged in conversation at our 2023 conference on ‘Philosophy and Thinking Differently’!
We would also like to thank the Maynooth University Conference Fund, Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI), the Dean of Social Sciences Maynooth University, and University College Dublin School of Philosophy, for their very generous support of the conference.
The need for the analytic tools and critical thought that philosophy cultivates has never been more urgent.
This was reflected in the wide range of papers and discussions across sessions on The Potentialities of Philosophy; Re-thinking Communities; The Category of Sex as Limited and Limiting; Restructuring Learning and Collaboration; Resistance and Being-Becoming; The Complexities of Embodiment; Memory, Commemoration and Beliefs; and Subjectivities and Spheres of Practice.
Society of Women in Philosophy (SWIP) Ireland recognises
That ‘woman’ refers to those who identify as women and also those who are perceived or treated as women. We aim to represent women in philosophy in Ireland, and also support non-binary and gender nonconforming people in philosophy in Ireland, on the basis that these are all underrepresented genders in philosophy in Ireland. Anyone who is a member of any of these groups is eligible to join SWIP Ireland.
That discrimination and marginalization is intersectional and the concept of intersectionality was developed by Black women scholars to describe their experiences of gendered racism. Taking an intersectional approach means not only looking at ‘who’ is in what spaces, but also looking at ‘how things work’ in various spaces. Reflecting on how lived experiences are made invisible or silenced is a very important part of this approach. We need to reflect on and address how processes of discrimination based on sexism, racism and homophobia for example, disadvantage some people, and also how they work to advantage others.
CONFERENCE: Cultivating Intersex, Trans and Gender-diverse inclusive education in healthcare.
University College Cork
13 - 14 September 2024
Maynooth University
17-18 November 2023
SWIP Ireland aims:
To facilitate connections and cooperation between our members in the island of Ireland.
To organise gender inclusive conferences and meetings on topics of interest to women in philosophy.
To raise public awareness of discrimination and marginalisation directed at women in philosophy, with full consideration of the intersectional nature of discrimination, past and present.
To end all forms of discrimination and marginalisation directed at women in philosophy.
To support women and other underrepresented genders in philosophy.
To promote philosophy by women, past and present.
To foster feminism in philosophy and philosophy in feminism.
To collaborate, where appropriate, with individuals and organisations aiming to counter all forms of discrimination and marginalisation in philosophy
the committee
Nóirín MacNamara
Katherine O’Donnell
Alissa MacMillan
Liz Meade
Clare Moriarty
Elizabeth O’Brien
Valeria Venditti
Margaret Steele
Tara Ćirić
Katy Dineen